About Me

I love learning about new Technologies. My academic projects and internship experience helped me to develop many skills. Apart from academics, I like playing chess. I have been vice-captain of chess team at my undergraduate university. Being vice-captain helped me to gain leadership qualities. I have played and won many tournaments.


University of Texas at Dallas

Master of Science in Computer Science                                   GPA: 3.602
August 2016-May 2018

Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2018
Machine Learning Statistical Methods for Data Science Big Data R for Data Science
Database Design Design and Analysis of Algorithms Software Testing and Validation Software Defined Networks
Agile Methods Web Programming Languages Algorithmic Aspects of Telecommunication Networks

K.S.V University

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering               GPA: 8.64/10
July 2012-May 2016

Data Structures & Algorithms                    Big Data Analytics
Object Oriented Analysis & Design           Operating Systems
Artificial Intelligence                                     Introduction to C, C++, JAVA
Software Engineering                                  Computer Networks


Estech Systems Inc

Intern – Mobile Application Developer                  May 2017-Present

• Developing the UI/UX design of VOIP based android application.
• Working on the enhancement of the features and refactoring code by adding dependency injection using DAGGER.
• Improving code quality by fixing bugs and writing JUNIT test cases to enhance automation testing.

iCreate - International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology, Gujarat India

Intern - Full Stack Developer                                  Jan 2016-May 2016

• Developed an Android Application to allow easy communication between organizations and its employees by implementing features like feedbacks, generating polls for taking opinions, broadcasting important information, task list assigned to employees by the manager and appreciating their work by sending trophies. Also used JSON parsing for calling web services.
• Implemented using Android Studio.
Also, was responsible for writing webservices for registration, login authentication in PHP for backend.


  • Android
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JAVA
  • PHP
  • R
  • C/C++
  • Javascript
  • Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.

    Steve Jobs
  • Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.

    Albert Einstein

Contact me

7575 Frankford Road
Dallas, TX 75252

469-610-9186    kajol9405@gmail.com